Customer Service Outsourcing

Subtitle: Seamless customer contact services delivered by highly trained operators, helping you to improve customer experience and protect your brand.
Woman on telephone call at desk

Benefits & Features

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Improved focus on core business activities
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By outsourcing the non-core processing functions to Paragon, we will help you to concentrate on your core business, knowing that your clients are receiving the best service available.
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Increased efficiency
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Our experts will transform your workflows and processes, utilising our Integr8 platform to manage all documents and communications securely and efficiently.
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Controlled costs
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Our tailored approach ensures you receive the right solution for your requirements, at the right price. Whether it’s a shared service or a bespoke solution, we will deliver the most cost-effective service for your business.
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Increased reach
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Outsourcing can give you access to capabilities and facilities otherwise not accessible or affordable. Our bespoke Integr8 platform is specifically designed to manage communication workflows, securely and efficiently.
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Security and compliance
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Digitisation improves not only the accessibility and security of sensitive documents, it also helps compliance with GDPR. Paragon ensures that all data is safely stored behind firewalls and that the latest security protocols are implemented.
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Increased agility
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Paragon will make your business more flexible and agile, ensuring you are able to adapt to changing market conditions and challenges while providing cost savings and service level improvements.

By moving some or all your customer support operations to Paragon, you can improve your customer experience, efficiency of workflows, and compliance. We will also enable you to reduce the costs associated with internal resource, software and platforms. Activities like call handling, complaints management, applications and forms processing can all be outsourced and seamlessly integrated into your systems, enabling your staff to focus on adding value and increasing your revenues.

Want to find out more?

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