How businesses can drive sustainability during the cost-of-living crisis
Lucy Klinkenberg-Matthews, head of ESG at Paragon, explains how brands can deliver a more sustainable and prosperous future for themselves, as well as for the planet.
Covid's Impact on Financial Services: A Closer Look
Paragon's Communications Director, David Taylor, addresses the lingering uncertainty businesses face amidst the pandemic's repercussions.
Jeremy Walters announces rebrand and revamp at Paragon
Paragon Customer Communications announces rebrand, with Jeremy Walters now promoted to CEO of Paragon's European-wide operation.
How data and analytics are changing customer experience
Stephen Lester, CTO at Paragon, was asked by Raconteur to contribute to their latest insights report on charting the future for customer experience technology. Stephen discusses the importance of consistency and how data is changing today's customer experience.
How to avoid greenwash: a guide for business
Paragon's Head of ESG, Lucy Klinkenberg-Matthews, discusses how consumers increasingly report disinterest in brands that engage in greenwashing.
Covid and customer communications: why the blame game needs to stop
Paragon's Communications Director, David Taylor, discusses why businesses are playing the Covid 'blame game', and how to stop it.
Ending Queues: Data Reveals Consumer Frustrations
Paragon's Communications Director, David Taylor, addresses business automation and the imperative to eliminate queuing. Find out more below.
Digital transformation is dead. Long live business agility.
Paragon DCX's latest report questions why organisations need to embrace constant change to avoid failure and respond quickly to threats.